Pickhill CofE VC Primary School

01845 567 339


Pickhill CofE VC Primary School

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Our School

Dr Victoria Eardley

Victoria EardleyVictoria has recently moved back into the NHS as a family doctor having served in the Army then a further 15 yrs looking after the soldiers and their families as a civilian.  She has been a governor for 8 yrs, chairing the governing body for the last 3 yrs and seeing in the start of Synergy Schools Federation. Victoria is now Chair of Brompton-on-Swale's Local School Committee.  Victoria's children have attended Brompton-on-Swale Primary School, Thomas and Megan now in secondary school and Grace in continues in school in Year 4. Victoria is married to an orthopaedic surgeon and loves swimming.  She will do anything for chocolate! 


Vice Chair of Full Governing Body

Parent Governor

Chair of  Brompton on Swale LSC

Child Protection & Safeguarding Lead Governor

Date of Appointment 19 July 2021 - 20 May 2024
Term of Office 4yrs
Appointed by Full Governing Board
FGB Attendance for 2022/23 86%
LSC Attendance for 2022/23 100%
Business and/or Pecuniary Interests None
Governance Roles in other schools None
Relationships between governors and members of staff None

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of primary schools in the north of North Yorkshire. The federation was formed in September 2018 when Brompton-on-Swale and Crakehall Church of England Primary Schools successfully shared senior leadership capacity. In July 2021, the federation welcomed Leeming & Londonderry Community Primary and Pickhill Church of England Primary school into the federation.